Why do you think "trade" is so quiet here on answerbank/CB? Are those will PAYG internet cutting down and only using the internet for essentials? Or is it less entertaining than time gone...
1st good morning of the week from me, been under the weather, but ok now, back to work today yuk !!
least its not raining thats something!
have a good day and be safe!...
Whilst I was parked outside my daughter's school today a man got out of the car in front of me and seemed to be slyly putting a small bottle of vodka and an empty coke bottle in his boot. I know what...
Specifically, spelt "spacificly"
(3rd post)
Love it !
That's what happens when you post at half past three in the morning !...
Can anyone recommend any hotels or classy B&B's in the Norfolk area? I'm thinking of Holt in particular - there's a very boutique-y one called Byfords, but it's a bit expensive. I know North...
"Spends most of its day dragging its huge lumpen mass around, foraging for food...." This latest advert, for Argos, came on tv on Sunday. The BF looked straight at ME and laughed.... And...
A Mission to get fit. Starting next week. I have signed up with a personal trainer (!) for a 6 week intense one-on-one session (no smut please, I'm British). Swim, gym (boring, but....), a healthier...
Going to be after you today my girl--think you have put a jinx on me ,with your post about preparations for Winter. Today the wettest coldest day so far on my bit of the N.E Coast--no electric-- just...