I'm going to make a cottage pie with a vast array of colourful vegetables on the side and proper gravy to pour all over. I will need a stonkingly good red to go with it. Alfie is licking his lips in...
Hi Sqad. Been on them for 3 days and no sign of improvment. Still a marked soreness and inflammation in the tonsils, etc. Still hurts greatly to swallow. Any ideas?
Thanks x...
or pejorative? To spell it wrong once is a typo, to spell it twice a mis-spellling. And I'm not being disputatious, nor am I Dixie, although I do punctuate well when I want to.
Prior to the film 'Blood Diamond', did anyone here know of the phrase, and subsequently, have you all taken your jewellery back to H.Samuel, Tiffany or wherever you purchased them to get their...