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15 down secure draw for irish county 3.4 t?e ?o?e
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Hi vakayu, At last my hospital appointment has arrived, it is the 17th july at 7.30am, 4 weeks of more waiting, still i am sure there are a lot a people that are a lot worse than me. Take care xx
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13 down Unharmed unscathed 4,4 ???? ?r?e
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3 down Not to mention 3,5 ??t ?????
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21 across Suffices for some animals 4 d??? Is it does? 8 across Sketch king in pose 4 ???t Is it skit? 16 across Love to be in bed with with bird 4 ?o?t...
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Hi,hope you are feeling a bit better than when I spoke to you last time,which seems ages ago,any word from the hospital yet?
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11 across The french saint"s to continue 4 l?s? 13 down Minutely examine underworld cult 7 d???e?t Is it dissect?...
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There seems to be a difference of opinion for the answer to 9 across Alarmist or alarming i have put Alarmist as it fits with musty for 7 down does anyone else agree....
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Ok last 2 12 across Pair suspecting at once 6 ?r?n?o Is it pronto? 7 down Is it compulsory for happy ending to be stale? ??s?? Is it musty?...
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14 across Sorry for route of guilt , oddly 6 R???u? 23 across Mistakes queen for a returning sailor e?r?t? Is it errata ?...
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1a very tired (5 2 4 ) - e - - -/ t - / - - o - 3d go separate ways (8) - - s - e - s - 5d loveable person (4) - - a - thanks...
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21 across Quiet deed brings truce 4 ??c?
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4 down Fat per carton"s stirred by greasy spoon 9.4 ??a?s???t ?a?e Is it transient something?...
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9 across An index containing wing is needlessly frightening 8 ??a?????
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Easy crossword, 6d determine the position of (9) o-i-n-a-e, cryptic crossword 8a cheat a type of bird (4) 2d look into piazza endlessly to see filth (7) s---l-r, 3d loafer left in dire mess (5) i---r,...
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Ok last one to finish 5 down Glide smoothly over the surface 4 s?i? Is it skim or skid?
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I am stuck on a couple, 1 across Used goods market 3,4,4. ??? ??o? ??l? 9 across Quality of not being fitting 13 u?????a???i?? Is it unsuitability ?...
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Hope you had a nice holiday,and are feeling a bit better,after having had a wee break,have just logged on so I don't know if you are about or not?
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8a a place to go when ones retired - could it be abed? 2d picture gold on boards???e?? Thanks again...
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To everyone who wished me good luck on my visit to the urologist, the latest is that i have cancerous tumour in my left kidney, the surgeon is going to do an ablation, which means burning it out with...

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