In celebration of 20 years of Neighbours (the soap opera, smart alecs) who is your favourite Neighbours character and why? I would like to take this opportunity to point out this is a question from...
Hello crazee peeps! I'm having a busy week so won't be on CB much over the next few days, so I just wanted to say:-Buttons - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Pixi - G'morning! You'll have your weemee by the...
Does it seem to anyone else like CB has been losing people a heck of a lot lately? I mean, georgit I hear isn't able to come on at work anymore, something happened to ned?? ....and then I'm only...
I've decided to give Chatterbank a clean, so if you all could kindly lift up your feet whilst I hoover around the place, that would be very helpful. Let me know if I've missed any bits.
i ordered a new phone last night and it arrived this morning just as i was leaving the house. The day has gone so slow becoz i cnt wait to get home and ar$e about on it and look at it!!!!!!!
Lets try to get this place moving again. I'll start with the first line of a limerick and then its up to you all to finish it a line at a time. There once was a girl called Buttons
As the sun was high in the sky over chatterbank town, there wasn't a local insight. Tumbleweeds fled through the dusky street and the sound of swinging salloon doors could be heard through the breeze.
Right here we go - time to start friday off with a joke. A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed. He...
Ed, please can you add another one to the chatterbank rules, asking people to think before posting risque jokes? Many of the jokes being posted, while very funny for us adults, are not the sort of...
Right enough's enough - CB just isn't CB without Ned. This is my petition to BRING HIM BACK. All in favour say 'aye' in a Scottish accent. Stars will be given to the best Scot accent by a...