For a while at work now we've had some fun with really tenuous links we have to famous people e.g Sid Vicious Spat on me, or Pete Beale from Eastenders asked me for directions, Frankie Vali stood...
wow that feels better. Ive just declared on chatter bank that i have close to 300 pairs of shoes. Have any of you got a shopping addiction that you wish to share?
Charles and Camilla are apparently a bit flummoxed by the whole marriage thing. It's reported that on their wedding night the following took place:As Camilla was making last-minute preparations to...
THE ONE-QUESTION IQ TESTHere's a one question IQ Test to help you decide how you should spend the rest ofyour day......There is a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of...
another baby girl ........a wee sister for apple. In a press statement they said "they want a pear" P.s. Guess what I am eating???? Go on bet you dont get it!
So, can you believe that a year has now passed since the awful siege in Beslan? It's heartbreaking. The children who survived have still had their lives literally ripped apart by what happened. I read...
Went into ASDA and asked where the Fruit Shoots were, sales assistant said "They have all been moved down an aisle to make way for the Xmas Decorations and Stock that will be on that aisle next week!"...
Ok, apparently there are three words in the English language that end in 'gry'. One is hungry, another is angry...what is the third? It's doing my head in!
Not the Calvin Klein Stuff ! What obsessions do we all have? Mine would be sport/keeping fit etc. but I would guess the following: Pixi - Food Champagne - Alcohol Georgit - MargeB Deesel - His big pal...