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hi. stuck on one 11 across.. They sound like precious little for the measure of the work done ?O?L?S thanks...
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Sorry. Old slang for ten pence . Two three letter words ??? ???
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Does anyone know the old sslang for ten pence ???? ??? ???...
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help please. Cant finish it 13a. minced meat in english river is needed by the 27 acc (ill) ??e?T?T?? 4a it can be marvellous around carnival city or lake ?U?E?I?? 14d take the first six letters away...
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with old weapon professors discover people of southern europe ??????n? decree that britain get over seb battle ??a?? help please...
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healthy self service option in some restaurants S???? ???
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24a. clattering musical performance C?O? ??N?E 7d stewed meat in white sauce F?I?A?S?E 3d difference between imports and exports. BALANCE OF ?R??? (is it trade?...
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little creature discovered when one is spelunking ?A?I?S help please...
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5d. epicureans daydream about such meals ?e??? ??d? 10a. amusements of other days ?A???M?S 11a In our minds they turn as rapid eye movement initially dilates ??e??? dreams????? thanks in advance...
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hi. 20d. subtlety and tact in handling difficult situations. ??n?s?e 23d. disinclination to move or act I???T?A 26a timeless, eternal A?E???s thanks in advance...
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1d. they will change the tone of a loud storm brewing. ?O?U?A?O?S last one i promise...
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25a. tis the conversion of a god fearing one ???I?T 18a a reading from lucifers last judgement?. so was he judged ???D?M??? ?T ???? 16d lads can lie about such frivolous actions ??????N?E? brain dead...
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liam and lar breaking bracelet like item of jewellery ??M???A help please...
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10 a. separate, split. ?P?I?T?R. is it splitter despite split being in question thanks...
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30ac. a bridge without the space just after high or low water E?I?(is it exit if so why) thanks. last clue...
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all your answers will fit so have 5 d wrong. Paraded... showed off ?????t?D
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Theme is cakes 8a. Type of cake M?R?R? 11 Type of cake P?M? 18a con artist cheat. S?I?D??? 2d as found in cinema ?I?E?C?E?N AAAARHHH Help please...
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signs meant to be deciphered to show what the allotted task is ?S???????T dara o briain and rowan atkinsons journey is in the papers ????C ?T??? please help...
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17d an evil nite out for such a sainted soul ?A???T??? 28a fluffy wadding - camouflage to clown too. ???T?? ?O?? help appreciated...
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17d. This valuation's the meatiest ?S?????? 18d caustic criticism V?????? 26a diminish reduce ??S?? help please...

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