Most of the answers are chocolate bars in cryptic form. Can anyone help with the following please?
21 Good or tasty but not in the English Language
31 A fruit that melts...
Anagram of apple varieties 1) deeeiklnrrsvwww. 8,1,5 letters
2)deeeefhhiorrrrssstu 13,6 letters
3)eeegmnorrssttu. Thank you, tried anagram sites but seem to cater for less letters...
Can anyone help with a logo please? It looks like an elipse made up of a red inverted comma on the left and a green inverted comma on the right, with a white S shape in the middle. Looked at another...
22d Backing jaunty southern country S?R?A
Can think only of Syria but not sure why?
Looking at other posts there seem to be different versions of this crossword!...
Can anyone help please with answers - TV programmes old and new, UK or America:- A learner in the salad Sounds like June killers Chastise with blows Thanks