Posted a comment over a week ago about my boiler being broken and didnt have any hot water or heating and some abers gave me a hard time saying is that all, well its 12 days on from that comment and i...
men _____what would be worse for you .your w/p going off with another man or woman ? women _____ what would be worse for you .your h/p going off with another woman or man ?
I wonder if anyone can help, i am a chrisitan, and believe strongly in God, But last night i was watching the News and Couldn't help wondering where on earth God was during the Chinease Earthquake and...
Hopefully one of you can help me out quicker than BT ever could. Since last night, when I sign into MSN, my internet connection breaks after a couple of minutes. I have to switch off the router, leave...
I am on a diet at the moment and I am doing well but I keep getting cravings for the must unhealthiest foods ever. anyone know how to stop them because I dont want to ruin my diet.
Real person ? Or a pathetic excuse of an internet arseh0le trying to spread lies about others and herself ( if it is a she btw ) Well happy bullsh1tting. AND IM STILL WAITING FOR EMAILS , NEWS...
Just bought some cod fillets for our evening meal and was wondering if they would be ok to cook in the slow cooker rather than me looking all frazzled after slaving over a hot stove, and any...
Just finished my penultimate essay EVER. Began to print it, and all of a sudden my printer told me its parts had expired, and it needed servicing. My deadline is tomorrow, my stupid laptop only has...
People from abroad do we have in AB? I noticed tis morning that when I put my curser on the answer tab there was a small tab came up with the option in about 6 other languages. I have never noticed...
getting on google please donate to myanmnya burma help support or somthing like on the google home page x when you go to google bar wen you turn your pc on to it xxx
Who had a crush on their teacher? Which subject did they teach? Were you obsessed? How did you get over them? Just a random question that popped into my mind =]
I just had an Asda good for you spaghetti with tomato & mozzarella sauce . packet meal...I ripped it open, tossed it in a bowl added boiling water and nuked it for 4 minutes and it was bliddy...