Think I must have an error as cannot find answer to 42d \'behave cruelly toward\'
-a-t-e-t. Have completed rest of puzzle so would appreciate help please....
Completely bewildered by 17a 'That can be shown to be false' d-s-u-v-u-e got:7d oiled, 8d kick started, 9d run out 13d leave (etc) 11d Shavuot 12d shameless Must be dis--------. cannot find anything...
Is 20d pan/pipes? Stuck on 29a 'acquisition' p-o-e-n-e-t Also 33a relating to greek political union 'p-n-t-l-nic' Thanks if someone can help please. Thing that pan pipes must be wrong.
Confused. 47a 'general agreement' consensus or concu---s Surely 48d is unite (join together) but doesn't fit with consensus. 36d protestant and 44d on sight? Help please.