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Just 2 left. 19 across - His best-known poem included a talking horse, "Mr Ed" (4) - D?R? - Derm, anagram of "Mr Ed" fits, but why? 2 down - Councillor welcomed by a consular agent in the capital of...
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Hi can anyone help I have one left to get in local quiz I think the answer is something to do with a sport it is a link question they are Elephant ,Water , Polo I haven,t got a scrubby ty
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Does anyone else think there may be a mistake in the number of letters required for question 20? Dark tool (8) I have an answer with 9 letters.
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Last one please 38 looks like a black and white window thankyou
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21a. Turn aside on seeing it's the Long Fellow I consumed (7) de???the 28a. Came out of one's shell, writing what one detested about the Swiss(7)?at??e? 34a Picture some Vietnamese soup to put...
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Told off ???B?R?D (8) letters
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1d, 5lets, Mark gives up Latin as a bad job, B?t??. 20a, 5lets, Be getting on, again, in years, A?r?e....
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General knowledge 9 in films which female was always played by a male 14 what was seen on a tram in the 1800 s which is now in many streets 15 silky gauze made from wool 17 which Latin word means I...
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?C?T? (5) acute fits but does that may sense from the clue? Many thanks.
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5a: Finally landed. 6 letters. ?s???? 11a: A hormonal medication. 9 letters. ????i???? 13a: Old gold. 5 letters. K???? 24a: No delay here. 4/1/4 letters. ??k? and ? and ?j?? 26a: Down at heel on the...
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Bad behaviour in polite company (4,5) Sound explosive and illegal expedition online (9) You may hear fastened string and cord (4,4) TIA :-)...
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G P Quiz Stuck with an answer for Sensationalistic Journalism. Hoping someone can help. Thought the P could be Publishing, but have no idea bout the G. Anyone have any ideas?...
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Yorkshire Post 6a. states in 1 across it might be felix ( 4 ) ?u?s answer to 1 across is postscript ??...
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I heard this morning on the BBC that there had been a frank exchange between the Chief Gonk and his chancellor about some letter to The Times. It now seems to be so well hidden as to be invisible. Can...
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Help please . 3/ Grevillea cultivar ( 6 9) I have old maid to rhyme with answer . 12/ viewpoint of a crew member (5,4) Rhymes with west . Phrases / sayings with vowels removed .29/ RDT THR TCT 31/...
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Can anyone help with this/ Answer will include one of the three names or variant eg Tommy. Boxing clever 5,6 Thanks for any help...
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22)Grain follows short place of learning(7)
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1d - *O***O*** - Retaining gold logo, her problem as second-hand expert? 15a - ***I*S* Always poetical site is moving -= most strange 9a - ***P*M Is this pompom, and if so, why please? Many thanks in...
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All answers relate to Growth in the Garden or Faith 14. Are there no gentlemen among these garden workers ? 9 letters 18. A garden of tears and sorrow 10 letters 21. A joyful call on Easter morning 6,...

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