Last week I was at step aerobics class, about 40 mins into the class, we were well warmed up, I heard an almighty 'pop' inside my left calf! As I put my foot down I collapsed with the most horrendous...
Hi iv been a member of Ab for sometime now but dont really know anyone and would love to get more involved in the 'goings on!!' so heres ur chance to introduce ur self to me....... please tell me 1 ur...
Ancient kingdom situated between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba (4) Please help, as my crossword has worshipping at the Tippex shrine, and I've just discovered I left the gas on and the remnants...
I am going to Florida (Disneyworld) in August. Does anyone have any suggestions for which Sun Tan Lotion to buy? We went two years ago and spent a fortune on high factor lotions over here then were...
have just attended a funeral where the undertakers stood around afterwards as if they were expecting to be tipped. Is this normal practice? It seems a rather inappropriate form of behaviour to me.
Is the answer to 4d, 23d Joseph Wright ? (painter whose works include Lake Nemi, Sunset) (I can't find any reference to this painting). Also stuck on 18d, new town in south-east Wales developed in the...
I've read bout pelvic floor exercises - has any females out there done them and if so do they work at making you tighter? and how often and how much needs to be done to notice?
Answer is solo singer, group or song title. Please can you help. (1) Those boys, are not heavy shavers (G) (2) Right, now listen up everyone, I am now making myself in charge! (ST) (3) A right carry...
Hi everyones, just wondered if there is anyone out there that has experience of this or knows someone who suffers from it as my sis in law has just been (sort of) diagnosed with it 3 wks after losing...
hi,can anyone help with these 2 questions please? 1,find it in a pot. 2,used in some caesar salad dressings. answers are 2 from these 3 below. anchovy,halibut and lobster. thanks in advance
I was in a coffee shop today and the girl who served me was so beautiful. She wore no make up and just seemed really kind and pleasant. This isn't really a question but I was thinking she was wasted...
Answers are all names of heros or villians, male or female Any CLUES very much appreciated, I don't want answers, yet !!! The "Moors" closest friend , I don't think so ! Spooky's "X" girlfriend Their...
Help, struggling and have already had to ask my Mum for all the answers to the Jane Eyre questions... 15a (4) race of decadent people in 'the time machine' e*o* 5d (3,3) Peter Medak film co-scripted...
Who wants to join my save the maggot association. To prevent all this maggot abuse, sticking hooks through them must hurt and then they are thrown into the water to drown or to be eaten by a fish....
I'm 40 and found a hump around about my right shoulder blade, also it is painful and the pain seems to go in my chest as well I feel like I have been speared.... I seem to be getting less movement in...
I have a 35 yr old horse and cant get her to put weight on.What can I feed her to help put on weight. At the moment she is fed beetpulp,conditioning cubes and 16 plus mix all mixed together with chaff...
I seem to remember that the play-offs when first around involved a couple of teams from each division - eg 2 play-off places from top of Div 4 and 2 from bottom of Div 3 or somethinng like that. Didi...
other details: (1) the surgery happens 20 days after accident, when cast fails to heal properly. (2) The operation only involves making a small incision in the knee from where the rod is pushed in....