Last one again and want to get it finished before we leave for a holiday.....
16d Rugged software breaches conditions (9)
I have S-R-PPING
Is it Strapping?...
Last one - science was never my strong point! 23a) Cyan to red, magenta to green or yellow to blue in the RGB model I have: - O - P - E - E - T - R - - O - L - U - Second word is presumably Colour....
There appears to be an error with the crossword in that 31a - Roman goddess of wisdom who was born fully armed from the head of Zeus only has 6 spaces - I believe it is Minerva or is there another...
37a) Invertebrate with a chitin its exoskeleton, three part body and three pairs of legs (6). I have -N-E-T
Biology was never my strong point.
Done the quiz, but completeLy bafflend by the answer - something to do with 'something you can earn'. Letters are: P I B W N O T I O S E R N Is it something to do with a pension? Thanks, as always...