Starting Clue Chain 2 - all welcome 😊 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-madeclue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully... ...
Is complete yet another questionnaire and have a face to face with the doctor for the company I did the clinical trial with...and was told I'll receive another £150 for my trouble!!!! Could have... ...
Is have my feet checked again by the surgery nurse 🥱 However, she did give me a gold star for the vast improvement in them, would have preferred a lolly though😏
Dear Ed, Would you like to give us Abers the right to vote on Making those anonymous Mods come clean and use their official user names instead of hiding behind their made up Mod names. We are... ... Hardly anyone lives there, almost no GDP, almost no infrastructure, surely if a superpower wants you on board it's a no brainer? OK so they have... ...
I don't know whether you have to be signed into Facebook for this link to work, but IMHO it's a brilliant use of Simon & Garfunkel's Sound of Silence as a base for satirical comment. [Credit to... ...
Well it's a bit chillier this morning isn't it! Think those few gorgeous days have spoilt us lol. Still dry and hazy but definitely much cooler. Later on today I'm dropping my iPad off to be... ...
Asking for a friend and I am so hoping someone will have an idea of what to expect in this scenario so I can give her some support: couple divorced 25 years ago after an 18 mth marriage (child... ...
Been looking at a plot/house and I know its barely built yet so maybe I shouldn't be asking thsi early but Ive found that the bottom left corner is missing from the bottom of the house. Not sure... ...
As some of you may already know our Grandaughter of 13 years nearly 14 lives with us, today I found a vape in her bedroom drawer, and she was told to come home at a certain time today, rolls in 2... ...
I can’t imagine a UK court considering a case for ‘damages/wrongful death’ from a hotel, where the guest willingly took a prostitute back to their room and overdosed on... ...
I watched the movie of 'Chicago' again recently. The stage show is better but live shows generally are better. I still enjoyed it though. I thought Catherine Zeta Jones played Velma... ...
Which I have been looking Brita, as I had one in the past. So many different ones and different replacement filters. There are other makes on Amazon. Which would you recommend, and which... ... There is the "Hell hath no fury..." argument of course. ...