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A 61 year old Englishman is sentenced to 18 months in prison for saying "who the f is Allah?" While in the same country, "From the River to the sea" (meaning the total destruction of the Jews) was... ...
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2) Start quickly to end a revolutionary 6 letters 3) Little lies 4,4 letters 4) Derbyshire Floosie 8,4. letters 5) Don't use this for yourabolutions 4.3 letters
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You couldn't make it up. ...
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My neighbour rang me a few days ago and was trying to ask me a question but couldn't get her words out (if I didn't know she was teetotal I would have said she'd been drinking) but as the... ...
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Doesn´t  a consummated marriage involves sexual... ...
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He was a homeless guy in London, nasty and a bully, cu himself up in a cafe,  with a tumbler
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Maisie Doats
Full length feature films.  27.    Mr Cash          2240 lb                     Something ending in ton ? 31     L E G                     With an arrow pointing down to the G and one pointing up to... ...
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How come he is never spotted while carrying out his elaborate artwork?
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does anyone know the value of the various crowns I have collected over the years?
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ToraToraTora Ok so he may have hoodwinked the IOC into letting him beat up women but he's having a turkish now. They let you... ...
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Answers are Cats Domestic or Wild. Q4  Asian medium size cat  7, 7 Q14  Dwells in winter wonderland  4, 7 Q41 North American endangered cat    6  ( Ithought panther but too many letters) Thank you for... ...
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I put down a deposit for a used car (two years old) at a proper/major dealer just on Friday. I am completely new to this and so does anyone know how long it takes until I'm contacted for... ...
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webbo3 ...
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ToraToraTora Why are we still allowing flights from the infected countries? ...
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ToraToraTora Surely that's grounds for summary dismissal? madness. ...
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I've deiced to make a new thread so I'm having trouble at work I been getting 37.5 hours per week but bow said they havent got the budget to pay me  overtime.I got 10 which is 2 hours per day... ...
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My hairdresser once convinced me to go for the 'natural' look - kind of curly and scruffy that looks so good on some people.  When my husband came home he took one look and said, 'I thought you... ...
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And what are we all doing today? Still v warm and humid, tho I don't think it's meant to get to yesterdays silly temperatures! I've got to try and get a couple of birthday presents in the post... ...
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Children are such cry babies.
Where does it say that when you do magic tricks, the rabbit you pull out of the hat has to be alive? ___ My grandad only ever had one goal in his life...... which wasn't... ...
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Excellent response from the public to restrain him until the Rozzers pitched up though. The poor little girl though, stabbed 11 times by this savage.  Bet he doesnt even get deported though, his... ...

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