Please may I ask for your help with
no.34d Mad animal in the midday sun? Resist and it may give you a bite (3,3,5) S?? ?O? ??a?d
51d At weekend,always a spicy dish (5) s???y
With many thanks...
Is anyone else finding this puzzle terribly difficult, or is it just me being dumb? Pleae help to get me started with 1a Space flight creates excitement around area, certainly (9) 7dBashful colleague...
Nearly finished! But, two last ones causing me problems. 17a Delivers and empties a can - that`s not in order (11) E?A???P???S (emancipates? why?) 11d Place toe at is clear in end (7) D?N???E Thanks...
Please could you help with 1a Priestess hostile about everything in bold kind of way (10) ????i???l?
1d Definitive kinds of food and drink wrongly ordered (4,3,4)
With many thanks...
12d Meeting held between 8:24 and 8:34 (5)
15a How one gets a lefeless reaction from one liver, say, I visit in New York (13) ??O?G?N??????
Many thanks...
Please could you help with 24d Protests about forms of entertainment (15) ????e???t?o???s and 30a Indian standing next to pillar appears more sinister (8) ??E???E?. That should help me to work out...
Please may I have some help with 1d Young prince caught in glare for a bit once (4-5)
29d Some paper used to keep notes in a botched survey
(13) I have ??E?T?O???I??
With many thanks
Can you help with 1a Forward, as player, depressed coach (9) ??W???A?? and 47a Religious works transform periods of tranquillity, we hear (11) ??T?R?I?C?S Very many thanks
Please may I have help with 30a Documented history of article found in French area (10) ?M???N?N?E and 38a Prudence needed to view Wren`s monument (14) C?????S??????? I have a feeling that if I get...
Please could you help with my last two -
30a During performance ,male`s coat front burst open (8) D?H?S???
18d Storeman organised plant (8) ?O?S???A
With many thanks
Please may I have help with:-
6d The old lady did this to this maybe? (How absurd!) (7)
17 a Howl head off in uninteresting display of humour (8)
Thank you very much
Please could I have some help with;- 1a Lawyer politician retained in later criminal case (7) ????L?R 40a Scottish vagrant`s light work in the French Resistance (9) L???L?P?R With many thanks
Please could you help with last couple 43a Church rule eastern choir unorthodox, having a lively style (10) H?E?O?R?C? - Could be some wrong letters there! 34a Point for discussion in hybrid railway -...
Please may I have help with 8d Sound from cdplayer, sort found in pigeonhole. I have ??E?E?T??? and 26a Power of Cromwell a disaster for one helping the army? (4,8) Many thanks
Please can you help with 15a For servants, a king yield??ed back open place on board (9,4)O?E?A?????? and 36a Heads off in winter on jet, finding place to surf (8) ?T???N?T With many thanks
Please may I have some help with - 20d Jack the Ripper managed to do absolutely anything (3,4,4,6) 36d The nation number fifty further separating partners (11) With very man y thanks for your help.