Wrongly claimed it's a system based on 10? (7) The article? (8) Wine grape and oxygen put in glass of beer? (5) Tell about the result of a close election? (7)
Final two interlinked clues to get with ^ as the common letter: 25a Most favourable to ditch leader from an earlier period O?D?^ 22d Working men in Black Country D?^?A?K 25a looks like OLDIE. Could... ...
17a In America, John, vacated by Bojo fan, produces semi-solid extrusion from the bowels (4) ?A?A 26a Refer to fact that having offered sex for payment on street, solid part goes missing (4) C?T?
On this misty, rather chilly, evening in SE Scotland, I thought we might have some music/songs to cheer people up. Looking for the following words in the title .... horse, dog, cat, lion,... ...
23ac fellow with one ball, right erotic performer (9) I have ??n?a?c?r Can anyone help pls? I also need 22dn Labour's elite ultimately wanting to get in a newspaper (6) to give me the first letter... ...
Whenever I make the above I always put sliced beetroot on them. My mum did too which is probably why I do. My cousin had never heard of putting beetroot on them, only cucumber. Does anyone else... ...
11a) Ruminant initially of Kenya and particular islands(5) o?a?i 22a)Catching mine means you understand(5) (d)?i?? 19d)State club loses leader(5) u???r
24d what the goose does before the goose bumps?(5)?o?k? 27d mark it this could be the onethats missing from the 22nd perhaps?(4)s?o? ( answer to 22 was STRAY