23ac fellow with one ball, right erotic performer (9) I have ??n?a?c?r Can anyone help pls? I also need 22dn Labour's elite ultimately wanting to get in a newspaper (6) to give me the first letter... ...
15 down - Numbers about a musical movie's handsome prince, on screen initially (8) I feel that this is Chansons, but I can't fully explain why. Anyone have any suggestions?
I have one answer to get out of 45 and though I have a possible answer I am not sure and any help will be gratefully received.The subject is Liquid Refreshment and the clues can be straight or... ...
Finding this extremely difficult today. A few to get started! 3d. Jabbered incessantly in Scotland, yet rated odd(8)??t????? 12a A tram driver(8] 7d A pathological desire to be working (9) 18a.... ...