"He knelt on the grass, and lifted out the eggs, which were of all shades of grey-green and blue-green, spotted and speckled with brown and black........."
19ac (PURPLE): I can't see one arrives at this from 'Cardinal's robe Jack left in Peru'. Similarly, 17ac (MAFIA ) and 'Money accepted by fellow in a criminal gang'. Could someone please explain?...
A clue in yesterday's Times Crossword read: 'Titled heroine from log cabin?' The answer's given as 'Emma'. Can someone please explain why? I can't see the connection.
Thought I'd finished but 5th letter, 'b', of 'danube', clashes with 4th letter of 'quattrocentists' where these two words cross. Is there an alternative spelling for either word? Many thanks.
Last two unfinished clues: 16a. small flock of sheep close to Swaledale (5) TRI-E ? Tribe? 42a. Sample's cut large enough by lucky chance (4) S-IN. Spin? Shin? Skin? Please explain.