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Captin Kirk

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If you do that again ill kill you.
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Fed up of doing everything for women , I have decided to make this the year of the man, I have told the wife and she has fallen into line after much grumbling , Men are therefore excluded for one...
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kp nonuts
For taking the pee out of my penis I am very hurt and maybe scarred for life now at your cruel and crude remarks I may never be the same person on here again now. I posted that picture in good taste...
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anyone interested in LOST theories?
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"the more things change..."...........we are still waiting for the answer,...well?
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Did anyone see Lilly Allen dissing Radiohead head off tonight? WTF??? She needs a good kicking that girl, the talentless loon
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It's taking up to 10 minutes to load answerbank pages- and sometimes I have to log off and back on again. All other internet sites are fine. Done all my virus/spyware checks- nothing there that could...
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Are you ? Making any resoloutions this new year ? If so do you ever keep them? If not why not? What was the last book you read? Pc or laptop ?
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" The more things change , the more they stay the same " Who said that? Anyone know?
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Now we are all in the dungeon .A happy band of dungeoneers .It now means that all us dungeoneers are using aliases.So therefore we are infact breaking the site rules.So should we report ourselves?Or...
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This week have you posted any of the following on ab ? Has anyon sen ............ ( insert ab username ) ? Why am i in the dungeon ? Where are you ? What do you look like ? Merry xmas everyone ? well...
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this place is like a time warp i am in between cyber space and reality hope the techs sort out the problem after all its just another day :)
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Favourite elton john song? Goodbye yellow brick road or Someone saved my life tonight ? Fvourite new years eve food ? Home made soup or nibbles ? Favourite tv presenter ? Terry wogan or Anne robinson...
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It's been lovely....anyone who has been picking fights..knock it off-lol. And all you nice folks-you know who you are.....stay that way xx
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...that happened to you today.
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In the garden at the moment and we have a loose fence. And its blowing in the wind as bob would say so what you got in yerr garden at the moment. Oh dog am I begging to sound like legend . Please help...
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a huge thank you to everyone who posted birthday wishes to me. I'll be 29 at four minutes past eleven (in the morning!), so I'm going to be 28 for a wee bit longer yet. My poor mother said she had a...
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why do i keep getting booted off? lol
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i get mixed up on here who dislikes who ...please can you say who you dont like ?
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Marmite or vegamite ? Movie of the book or the original book ? Go karting or rock climbing ?

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