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Satoshi Kanazawa from the LSE published his findings on a blog today which deals in a scientific study on attractiveness which rates black women as physically unattractive compared to other races....
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Does grammar bother you? Do you find yourself correcting people when they don't say things right?
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what would you make to eat out of 4 things that are in there?
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Have just taken a tray of delicious looking muffins out of the oven, then realised I have made them without any sugar at all! Can anyone think of a reworked recipe, using cake crumbs, that I can make?...
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I love long spaghetti, you know the 2 foot long stuff, just a few years ago all the shops sold it, now we cant find any. Do you buy long spaghetti or short spaghetti ? Do you cut yours up or twirl it...
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Do you and your significant other have pet/affectionate or secret names for each other?
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I'm after an uncommon baby name for boys and girls as im not sure what the sex is yet. Originally i had Bella for a girl, but this is on the rise after the Twilight films. My partner likes mack for a...
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Been sacked? Why? I got the sack from my first job during school holidays. I had to disbud a field of chrysanthemums. I did, but misunderstood, and picked off the centre bud from every single...
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im just being nosey...
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And here was me thinking that my two men were hard at work in the garden!!! Yeah right!!! LOL http://i128.photobuck...anie1002/DSC_0439.jpg...
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Any would be members out there ?
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Do you take the stairs one at a time or skip a few and run up/down the rest? (just wondered)
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Not sure what to do here!............lost my dog 17 months ago,he was 14, had him since he was 10 weeks old, broke my heart to lose him, still miss him! he had been diabetic for about 5 years, such...
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like giving up a seat for a lady, holding a door open etc; daftgrandad on here always reminds me of such a person...
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This question is primarily addressed to women but can equally apply to men. If you lost your sex drive, how do you deal with it in terms of your relationship? (Obviously, if you are singe then there...
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So here is the other little video of our ratter15 with our hammock ... My Sparticus ... or should that be Farticus?? Should we blame the colonoscopy he had a few days ago? lol :o)) Love this!!!...
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So , Kate McCann ( on publication of her book ) is calling upon David Cameron , for the government to '' take some responsibility '' in finding their missing daughter . Is her choice of words...
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Any nominations? (it's a cheerful song if nothing else)...
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Thought our chatterbank friends might enjoy this ... So, we had this great idea that we would put a hammock up in our secret garden .... then my dear ratter15 tried it out ... and tried it out again...
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My tenency runs out on 16th May. As a tenent i am going to excercise my rights and keeping living in the flat until the landlady serves me a repossession order (from the courts) Does anyone know how...

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