heater e?d?a?o?. i've iether got something wrong or my brain has overheated with the weather. any help would be appreciated as it is always the last one that i seem to get stuck on
its allways the last one that stumps you. 27 down complain about a fish four letters -a-p. i suppose it could be carp or harp. any help would be appreciated then i can go to bed. thanks in advance.
puzzle 02. three pictures, 1/ abottle tipping water into a glass, 2/ a toilet, 3/ a road. put the words they represent together to form a tv show. thanks in advance as i just seem to be stuck with...
Has anyone managed to find all four differences in this competion ON PAGE 47 as I have only found three, C2-C3-B1.??? i AM NOW GETTING BOGGLE EYED LOOKING FOR A DIFFERENCE. ANY HELP WOULD BE...
stuck on puzzle 11. consists of six anagrams of first names of soap characters. o.k. if you watch the soaps but a dead loss if you don't like me. any help would realy be appreciated. the anagrams...
three pictures, a chess piece, the king i think. a pair of legs , or it could be the knees, and gordon brown. the clue is together the tthree words make up the name of a character from a well known...
22 down, unscrupulous flirt 4 letters.-a-p why is it that the last one always stumps you. its a bit like why toast always falls butter side down. anyway thanks in advance.
puzzle 9 , last letter school something, something office. I think the answer starts with a R making the answer word butcheR. DOES ANY ONE HAVE ANY IDEAS? ITS DRIVING ME MAD. THANKS IN ADVANCE