5 across it shows high water position t??????? 10 across kind of water tap 6 down unseen stallar object ??r? ??a? 8 down find guilty again ??????i?? 27 across greatness (of evil) ?????i?y 21 across...
heater e?d?a?o?. i've iether got something wrong or my brain has overheated with the weather. any help would be appreciated as it is always the last one that i seem to get stuck on
Help needed please although I think the answer is HARBOUR. Double ----- Ridden Same as ------- suspects Does anyone know the middle link word ? Thank you
Still have the same views............any more of you want to just hit the report button and not admit you are cheating? It won't help you know.................you are still technically cheating. That...
its allways the last one that stumps you. 27 down complain about a fish four letters -a-p. i suppose it could be carp or harp. any help would be appreciated then i can go to bed. thanks in advance.
puzzle 02. three pictures, 1/ abottle tipping water into a glass, 2/ a toilet, 3/ a road. put the words they represent together to form a tv show. thanks in advance as i just seem to be stuck with...
puzzle 8 - page 28, Which motoring presenter is a cousin of TV Doctor Mark Porter ? have been googling but must be doing something wrong as i just can't find the answer ! any help greatly appreciated.
Has anyone managed to find all four differences in this competion ON PAGE 47 as I have only found three, C2-C3-B1.??? i AM NOW GETTING BOGGLE EYED LOOKING FOR A DIFFERENCE. ANY HELP WOULD BE...
stuck on puzzle 11. consists of six anagrams of first names of soap characters. o.k. if you watch the soaps but a dead loss if you don't like me. any help would realy be appreciated. the anagrams...
hi shaney lottie if your on line have you done issue 12 this weeks if so page 26 puzzle4 su-dok-oh page26 puzzle 5 i have a1, a2, b1, b2 ,c4, what have i missed please page 33 puzzle 12 wordsearch...
three pictures, a chess piece, the king i think. a pair of legs , or it could be the knees, and gordon brown. the clue is together the tthree words make up the name of a character from a well known...