Please help! 26ac. Drive odd characters away from Aztec site (4) 19ac. Stunning lean ox stewed with pig (9) 18d. Such records make me dance with a lilt(3,4)
30 a. Not the criminal responsible for the surfing accident? (4,7) -a--, -r----- 32 a. Not now and again (7,4) -n---e-, ---- 8 d. Double over (4,3,4) -a--,-n-,g-n-
My two yr old neutered tom is peeing all around the house. He has been doing it for just over a year. when I found out I was pregnant we started to do up the house, nearly everything in it changed,...
6d- deer had fine beard f??? 7d- a competitor, about mid afternoon, coming a?????l 11a- no end of hawthorn growing wild near bradford h?????h 14a- move inside hesitantly to find egg ???m 24a- oddly...
Can someone please offer some advice on how to calm my 4yr old down? My hubby and me are going through a terrible time at the moment due to him been unemployed for nearly 4 months now. We are very...
16d shrimplike creatures take life seriously! that's about right 5 letters _R_L_ is it krill and if so why? 25a in respect of intelligence at university first rate 2 & 3 letters up _o_ thank you
I'm stuck on these last questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance: TV & Film 20. A special edition of which children's favourite won second prize in the youth section of the...