Page 21 word search can anyone help on this one I've two words left over I can not seem to find either of them I need only one left over many thanks for your help
page 54 puzzle 9 9across (7)small territory wholly within another e??a?e 24across outermost(7)e?t?r?? 25across (7)sloping style of print I?a?i?? 20 down (6) stipulate I?s??? many thanks for your help...
pAGE 53 puzzle 10 codebreaker would appreciate any help given can,nt make sense of it my answer was walhl? also spot the difference I have 9 but can not find the 10th many thanks for your help
page 36 spot the difference found 9 can,t found the 10th 2on hat-1on glasses 1 on lips 1 on 1 button on coat 1top offhand 1 watch 1scarf page53 code breaker I have walhl it don't look right? many...