56 the highest degree of quality 66 sounds like a condiment, police mans nickname 73 group riding bikes, buying and selling 75 get on tele papers or radios & circle 81 ---, rulers 90 agree, best cut...
100 royal ruler, on your own & best friend, coal or ores 116 spirally grooved, look out of windo, --, a draughtsman 86 ---, water or wind, --, ---, fine silky fibres 28 ---, machine for lifting you...
8 ---, dense or tangled thicket, printed pages 25 -, walkway between buildings, --, rubber from Asia 32 H D & three vowels 40 jewellery etc, water all around 81 former Indian copper coin, Thai people...
1 electric storm & pat hands, woman gets boyfriend
4 Very pale, Boston, sleaford or spilsby markets
46 not the main shopping road, school with no girls
47 ---, not lean in test for cars...
19 aiming and releasing the bombs 30 sold same items as Currys, below lieutenant 73 Guinness made this bitter 85 not narrow and if not in you're out 94 person who controls or regulates 101 not new,...
64 precious stone 68 between 4 & 6 in morning, switching day 73 Guinness made this bitter 82 jug for beer, set fire to it 85 not narrow & if not in you're out 89 sweet horse, bland 108 lived a long...
30 sold same items as Currys, below lieutenant 37 Morris minor & name for heather 42 outbursts of spiteful temper 47 imaginary creature, better, marmalade orange 52 howl of hounds, sovereign or ring...
94 chalk on this, sale of secondhand clothes 99 store cargo, me, put glove on 100 to me, second in queue, diving board 92 needs repairing, slang for small pretty girl 84 bottom of hill & find market...
5.14-45 9. Private road, free from danger--, loved one 20 entrance that won't open to drive through 35 body on van Robin Hood or John Lennon 43 not working, ground 50 hammer a nail, ----, no blemish,...
35 sounds like July to December
42 use for washing, put hr in 3 points of compass
47 sounds like swindle, trick or deceive someone
78 snooker player mark selby from here, between lamb and mutton...