66 breast bone of poultry, hole in ground
81 lords and Trent budge are these
98 signalling received, punch back of neck
104 obese, live in squalor
108 dance or car, younger child...
3 winter holiday break, thicker than paper 43 steady walk with b, root for making smoking pipes 51 boundary with May on it, needs trimming 53 odd ball in Warwickshire, in charge with whistle 54 found...
1 more than words
2 mix up your mind
3 wait, which one are you
4 how good is that?
5 remix yourself
6 joined up borrowing
7 are you missing out
8 we're 'ear for you...
55 games, silver cup or shield 42 privies, find Cambridge ones on farm 65 commercial Vauxhall without water crossing road 80 scattered on verges, some have wheels on 93 root stock or base of plant 100...
11 dads wife, not rainbows fishes, not girls school 30 put five in acquire or obtain, ---, ace in pigs home 38 Malaysia its rice broth 53 crowned, the Ermine road 80 ---, small demon & my boy in sis...
64 precious stone 68 between 4 & 6 in morning, switching day 73 Guinness made this bitter 82 jug for beer, set fire to it 85 not narrow & if not in you're out 89 sweet horse, bland 108 lived a long...
75 Pub, mount bike, ---, land with public amenities
57 Pop or beer in this, --- windows
32 not yet a gale, ---
16 canonize, Jimmy, another name for a pub
4 Not young, slang for stealing...
50 Lets play conkers
73 Don't tell a lie then you speak like this
103 Leaver round winners neck (rel crossed off) & tennant & ias
107 Frying and desperate, watering & da...