Not sure what happened there. Anyway need some help to finish not the answer but a shove in the right direction. 7d Make a mess of new instrument cases (6) ?U???E 12a German bank hoards Laotian money...
Hi folks stuck on a couple don't want the answers just a hint to what I'm looking for. 14a For viewers, pious scene doesn't start in New Zealand (5-3) P?N?E ?E? 29a How to react to shock when speaking...
Need some help please
14d He makes stamps out of deerskin, I gathered (3-6) DIE-?????R
19a Cast are right to import gear - it doesn't need much pulling (4-7)
2d) Doctor reddens with blue tone of these puns (6,9) 7d) After crazy lady hit 22, Gerry disrupted mugging (8,7) 22 = BOB 12a) Perhaps Patrick or Andrew star in panto abroad (6,5) Thankyou for any...
Help needed bottom right corner. I have blessing for 21a. It may be conferred by bishop When he meets novelist. But it now makes no sense for 18d A lever crushes old adult plant producing juice (4-4)...
Need some help to finish.
8d I have yourself. Take plane over carrying
Fresh euros for solver ?? (8)
And 7d a strip of drapery hides her first whirs slip
Avalanche ??
Many thanks...
Ok I give up
Is 22d hard hat. Child lost grip outside - hope he's wearing this
And a hint for 25a I had prison cell. I moved into new residence
for trial separation (6-4)
Hi all having a little today
11a Betty cook, I gathered, turned out fine
(7-3) T?????R - ???
2d Firmly fixes screen, then collapses (10)
Stuck on 3 from yesterday.
25a Someone who cleans vegitables (4)?A?R. 24d Long story about European pine (5) Y?A??. 30a send back chap in debt R?M???.
Would like some help
24a Bush spies pursued accountant (6) A?A?i
That's if I've got 21d correct as starch? Clue Celebrity chef does without 50% carbohydrate (6)
Many thanks...
Having trouble today need help with 6d Harry lies on river, enjoying this L???U??
13d Adult isn't working in boring job in big shop (5-5) ???R? S????...