New quiz available. 65 christmas themed questions/anagrams. 1st prize £25, with a runner-up prize of £10. Please send £1 (cheques payable to Stamford Festival Association Ltd) + SAE...
What do employers want to know when they ask the following question on a job application form:
'How will you develop the role?'
Would appreciate any advice.
The following are fruit and vegetables: Chinese Emperor (8) - Think it might be mandarin? Cowardly Condiment (6,6) The following answer is a flower: Is she a native of Africa (6) Thanks for any help....
Would you like to be a guest of the Stamford Festival at the Peterborough Greyhound Stadium. I have a quantity of A4 sheets each comprising of 4 free entry vouchers, valid until end of November 2010....
My child aged 7 has to write 4 pros and cons of deforestation of the rainforests but does not know where to start. Would appreciate any good websites that may be able to help him. Thanks
Does anyone know how I can obtain my school exam results (O Levels and CSEs) from 1980? I have misplaced all my certificates during house moves and I am looking for new employment and some companies...
Thank you to all of you that supported the Stamford Festival quiz. The winner of the £25 1st prize is Brenda Pennington of Bideford, Derbys and the runner-up who will receive £10 is Mr A...
I left school in 1980 which a few GCE's and a couple of 'O' levels but no longer have the certificates. I am now going for an interview where they have asked me to provide proof of the grades I...
Don't forget to send for your christmas quiz - 40 questions on the theme of Xmas. £25 1st prize and £10 for runner-up. Please send £1.00 (cheques payable to Stamford Festival...
Thank you for your previous support of the Stamford Festival. We now have a new quiz sheet available - 38 questions on the Christmas theme. (Categories Christmas anagrams, Pantomimes/Christmas shows...
I am a first aider at my local school and when a child bumps their head we give them a 'bump on the head' form to take home to make the parents aware of this. Does anyone know where I can download a...
Would appreciate any help with the following clues please: TV Shows/Sitcoms - 1) A senior moment of the mind (8-5). 2) Nobody visits here anymore (5-4). Pop Stars/Groups - 3) A goat with attitude...
Everytime I open an Excel file, I receive a message stating 'There has been a problem accessing your registry. Please contact your system administrator'. After I have pressed OK I receive another...
Don't forget to send for a copy of the latest Cryptic Quiz sheet - 48 questions on TV shows, countrirs, football teams, musical instructions and bands & singers. ?25 1st prize, ?10 runner-up prize....
I am a member of anassociation that organises a local festival with various events over a period of 2 weeks, and have been given the task of writing to local businesses/companies etc to ask for...
For those of you that have already received copies of the new quiz you will see that questions 38 and 44 are the same. I have amended question 44 to read: Rub out midge (7 letters). However, I will...
Thank you to all who entered our Easter Quiz. We made a profit of ?50 which will go towards the Senior Citizens Entertainment Evening in June. The winner of the 1st prize was Mrs Redsell of Gravesend,...