4 down. Plant making seat messy in vehicle (6-4) ?E?R??/?A?E 8 down. Indeed I see developments going up, just some, in area by river (7) D?E???E 13 across. Edge of dress getting grease and grime...
help please 1a minister and unknown independent in conflict 5 ?A??? 11a god cardinal had cheered 5 ?A??? 21a being from iceland with mobile home?8 ?????E?? 28a frugal fellow splits 30 bananas 7...
some help please-----
17a13l.chocolates sent to the woman's tutor.--h-----a----
27a9lsee limitset ontemperature as most opportune.----l----
many thanks...
12d Flea maybe shows the better way forward (1,3,4) A ?E? ???? 1d Sign the Holy Spirit has dived in America ? (4) ?O?? 16d One crashing into the sea's vehicle, you tweeted, is submerged (6) I?????...
thanks to all for previous answers, having a brain dead day.
paternalism produces rows among parents (12) ?A?H?R?????S and the kind of fruit that provides staple food (5) B???D...
Can anyone help please? I am doing a quiz where the answers are World Famous Places and Icons and I am stuck on three they are: Dodgy selling practices employed by this chap! - 3 words Melancholy...
10a. If thing's splattered with gin, it's common in most parties. (2-8) I have ?? ?I??????
23a. Promiscuous Rolf involved with "Private Eye-Gate" (10) I have ??????G???
Would appreciate some help....