help please 5a satisfied,i call out,describing bell sounds 8 1d mezzo dickinson,0ne encapsulated in simple line 6 ???I?? 7a composer seen working with company 6 ??E??? 10a is most upset about one...
Struggling with this one. Answers are all connected with the sea. Piano man? 4 letters. Where calves sleep at night, 6,3 - something bed? sounds like noise that roosters make? 7 letters. The essence...
Really struggling with this cryptic nightmare, I can't get started at all. Can I throw a few out there? 1a mercy for red cross scientist (10) ?????????? 8a began one drink in - gave speech (10)...
2d handle a greeting left outside
28d spells when records contain real numbers
31d penny spirit gives pound
34a agree to keep broken ming allocation
15a encroachment of fashionable place in Greece, say [7] ?n?o?d? 21a greek character takes garland round first of call centres [6] ?u?l?i 23a caution, bowler lacking energy [4] ?a?n 24afloor movement...
im starting separate thread for this quiz as im deadlocked in one corner clues are please 10 ac 4 letters ? ? ? ? my candle burns at one end it gives a lovely light and another two word clue 5 and 5...
18 across, To a higher place:- ?P?A?D, I thought that the answer may be UPLAND but it doesn't really make sense.
53 down, Computer Software, ?R?G?A? is it PROGRAM...
6d Bottle up higher carafe ends on top of newspapers 7 r???e?s 15d If later regenerating the beginnings of further existence? 9 a?t???I?? 28a Touching line b chap written on bronze 7 t?n???? 18d...