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18861 to 18880 of 19097

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24a) Get on with one, say, coming back a?e...
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People who obtain information with an effort(6) g?d?r? Bird a sailor cast aside.(8) ?t?r?i?g.could be starling but cant match....
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Girl about to throw up all over the place: g???a? Struggle as a swimmer: ????n?e? Simple angle on two levels: o???s?
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11a Don't start to look for compassion. It's not genuine (6) ?n?r?e. Think it's UNTRUE but can't see why! 21d Some music runs flat for Gershwin, for example, lacking intro (5) r?n?o. Think it must be...
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7dn Daughter wrong about bachelor's question (5) d???T Thanks for any help...
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What a game, £50,000. Brilliant!...
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Hello any help please? just can not find these 1d −− chic; form of vintage or cottage-style interior design which combines old and new (6) S?A?B? 7d −− child; in psychology, a person’s...
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10ac Series of benefits assisted backward Italian province (4) ???I 4dn Note bucks perhaps turning up in change again (2-4) R?-e?i? Thanks for any help...
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Clergymen in pieces.(7) ?????p? The reason the teachers have something to eat.(9) ???u?d??? Awfully late getting the colour changed.(7) ?l?e?e?...
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Can I just say thank-you to all concerned who sorted out the Java update problem,it is nice to be able to come back on Answerbank again!
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Over the weekend, as so many other people were, I was affected by the 'Java' update whilst I was using Firefox. On sunday I decided to use IE and to my surprise it was unaffected. Tonight, using IE, I...
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I had other windows open but the java download was only on this sites page/in fron of the url unless it came from another page and tries to try and hide itself to disguise where it came from? I've...
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Last 2 .. 39a ASPIRATION 5. A?T?H 41d. FOREIGNER. 7 R?S?I?T Have I gone awry somewhere or just being very dense today ? Lol.....
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51dn Piles steadily reduced, so this? (4) ?e?s Thanks for any help...
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12d, 2words, 8.3. B?l?e??? ???, Chap with twenty children and untamed leopard in place of single man. 17d, 7lets, C?o????, Belt for clothes. 20d, 7lets, C??????, Vexation when girl oddly breaking...
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feels like it'll go on and on until the 21st hour (and i'll repeat 21 since that seems to need saying every 10 seconds)...
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5d) Large white seabird(6) ???n?? 6d) One working around pictures(6) ???m?? 22d) Reverence(6) E????? 13a) Eccentric(8) A?????e? 1D) Nuncio(6) ?e???? 25a) University head(6) ?e?t?r 24a) Detective(6)...
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6. Book: PFP by JG (7,3,5 by 4,7). 13. A dance of the 1960's (6,6). 28. Designer of a Beehive (5,6). . Any help much appreciated, Thankyou...
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29d Character in The Animals of Farthing Wood. I have ?d?e? Any clues will be useful...
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1d, 2words 4.6. L??? ????t?, Final record of meeting just in time. 4d,2words, 4.3. R??? ???, Deodorants working in luxury car. 5d, 7lets, D?????s, Old - fashioned underwear and where it's kept. 6d,...

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