23 A celestial body with a bit of cash (8) 21 Gaelic town, shortened mother, great Irish boxer (13) 10 A member of the fairies who is within (6) 2 The Gaelic hard stony place with the mark of a pencil...
57.theres sure to be a building society here. 69. Is it a very serious finish here. 73.go and race in order by the line. 74.whys battery run out ?give it a twist. 76. Graham gets confused when here....
The theme is It happens In spring.c/d 27/7/23. no.2.Clue is Copy Small Stream Flow. no.5. Clue is For each stop take in vital air laughing firstly.I think the For each may be per but not sure. Any...
Last 3 please can you help? 24. A tree with foliage to prevent embarrassment (3) 33. Did Prince Charles notice this in Lady Diana Spencer? (5) 35. Nigel or Nigella maybe, goes to island in the...
12a Bird from Jersey avoiding gull dropping wings (6)
16a Figure in women's group returned to great ancient council (11)
Thanks in advance...
Any help grateful, all answers are either trees or shrubs. 13. Little holiday for daughter and crazy emil (5-6, 4) I thought Holly - Lime but may be wrong 23. D'you pinch the girl? That's what I...
1a,Great number in the caboodle squandered(6) ------? 3d,athlete displays humanity(9) --O-G---N? 4a,Change my one day in Florence yearly initially (6) M-D-F-? 10d,play quietly near playful arboreal...