They want bosh and plenty of it.
Why don't we just walk away with our offers intact and let them then decide if they want to trade with us....
Wasn't sure to put this in law or how it works but here goes anyway. I have downloaded N316 and EX 140 but when the PDF converts to word the forms go astray and are a bit muddled up. Is there anything...
I predict that the UK will, against public opinion, give the EU about s much money as they are asking for. Which is about €100billion. They will do it by stealth. 20 billion for access to the single...
A work colleague of OH is getting married on Sunday and he has only just decided getting a present is in need (I reminded him ages ago but that doesn't count lol). They have a
There should be a review of driving laws or the use of the ones. The sentence is a joke.
This afternoon I posted a YouTube link and it was there. Now it isn't and when I tried to repost it and then another on the same subject it wouldn't post. Is there something wrong with posting at the...
Just had a squiz at some trash 'news' and suddenly realised that a lot of the pictures of Melania Trump is in she looks decidedly sad. Some of the pictures she looks very wooden with a fake fixed...
Why did he HAVE to get onto school ground I wonder? Was he just dropping off his snowflake or was there some other reason he simply HAD to drive in?...
On my FB feed and although I understand the concept behind the added calcium benefits (older people might benefit well from it) it doesn't say how you use it once pulverised....
Hi, I gained possession of my property 12th Aug (yayyyy) via a possession order (11th Aug). Not the same one as the CCJ I have against them as they are two different claims. There was a money order...
The music video I was in. It has been up for about two months but I didn't realise lol It has had over 24,000 views but I bet you a £ to a penny not one (other than my friends and family) who has...
How likely is remain to win considering all the rhetoric from the EU being about 'ever closer ties' etc. There will always be die hard Remainers that will not accept that out will ever be right but...
Over the weekend note how many articles on specific but broad subjects you find that agree with your thinking and those that you don't agree with. And where you first read or heard about the article....
Had the redetermination hearing at it went as expected. The ex tenants have to pay only £20 a month so will take 16 years to pay. I did point out they have higher purchase of £241 a month and £40 a...
On Horror channel. Just happened to flip over to this looking for something else. Husband works in a research facility somewhere. Phones wife and tells her there's been an accident at the facility and...
Even if you vote against it you can do nothing to stop the EU deciding your migrant quota apparently.