On reflection I am still struggling with these.If anyone can please help. 17"I could crush a grape" for example.(11) 18...and according to Frank Carson everyone's a ?(7) 47,The girl in New York(5)...
11,...and this a lazy one by the sound of it.3 4 letters previous answer is Top of the Pops. 16,8 is to 2 as 64 is to 4.(3,4) 25,Don't you know-wait till I tell you(4,1,3,4,3,3) 31,The Roly Poly dance...
If anyone is doing this quiz can youplease help?
Section D.logos.No.1 and 9
Section G.Identify person in the picture.No.s 64,62 an 63.Thankyou in anticipation....
I am confused with no.79 as I have several possible answers ,if anyon can
help I would be most grateful.
79,It is said that "Dad's Army" was filmed here in Norfolk.2 words....
I have a few queries on this quiz if anyone help please? 19,Here you find most of the unit of heat.Answer is a britain offshore island. Stately Home of England. 22,second class taste fish at entrance....
Another one I am trying to complete. 30,Chinese bird 6,4. 37,Pensioner's hairdo? 7,3. 53,Cold drink?8. 77,Cook this properly 8,4. 78,Mix off a strong dish.10 97,Sounds like a blooming dog.11. Any help...
I am stuck on two questions if anyone can please help. l Later alternative (6) possibly to rhyme with schooner if I am right. Also RDTHRTCT a phrase or expression with the vowels missing. Thankyou in...
He runs a risk when I leave (5,5) Ricky and Bianca's brush (8,5) answers are a plant or creature whose names include an occupation. Short clues for short jobs. gold Norse god 3,142,one in auction...
3,Layer +Runner (3 7) 7,Sounds like a brown hit (7) 15,Blimey,short extra worker!(9) 24,Quiet Romeo (6) 29,Winnie the Pooh?(5,5), Please can anyone help me with these birds.I have exhausted my bird...
3,Accountant leads 51 company (6)
9,nazi joins Scotsman (7)
14,body part-do not live
29,Guevara leads learner in river (8)
37,Oracle meets parasite (10)Any help will be most helpful.thankyou....
13,brave and foolhardy,learner goes in-such a dear.! 7. 40,go round,past helen,to find these animals. 9. 60,A rough planwith a medic at the front of the back!5. 70.soldier loses direction whilst on...
Please I am stuck on a few more and time is getting short. 13,Brave and foolhardy,learner goes in-such a dear!7 19,Sounds like a dapper little dog-bit of a comic!6,7. 24,Found on the golf course.7....
39,secure the queen-with a press-stud perhaps?8. 44,language often heard around Essex!7,7. 50,Try to crack the morse code.9. 54,in short,for example,lodger bursting into verse.8. 56,they are sweet but...