no60/a visit to zanzibar city sounds exotic.
no72/ refined wine plus a drunken gaul identify this country.
no73/ did the queen change plane to arrive here on time....
no32/perhaps she received a gift of fine wedgewood here
no33/in 1953 queen elizabeth arrived on britannia at this pacific island group.
no41/ moan about this place our sovereign visited...
no12/It sounds as if they did rush her around on this visit.
no14/when he is mixed up let ian solve this destination.
no25/in this country the queen visited a "wonderful,wonderful,city"...
no6/ sounds as if you queue and remain here for a time.
no9/ needs a din and noise combined.
no11/ a supported at the highland games here regularly....
no25/ northeastern fruit loses right to give clue to this suave english actor.[3,6] no29/ camouflage their drug wildly on Craggy Island.[5,7] no65/ common moist pie somehow leads to character he...