My father died without making a will, (I think he did make a will but my mother destroyed it) and my mother is not following the governments laid down rules of intestacy as laid down by statute in...
Are they using or planning to use this library finger printing scheme in your child's school without your permission? Do you view this as a softening up of our children to even further state intrusion...
1) The residual theory of dividends implies that if the firm can not earn a return from investment of its earnings that is in excess of cost it should distribute the earnings by paying dividends to...
On Newsnight tonight, did David Blunkett really (indirectly) accuse the police of being heavy-handed in the arrest of Lord Levy, insomuch as there was "No need to arrest him as he had presented...
I cut some up yesterday teatime, since then I have washed my hands several times, watered my allotment (involving getting my hands wet) and had a shower. Just rubbed my eye and it's burning! How can...
Just had a break and we sat in the park and there's this BLACKBIRD laying near a hedge with its wings flattened out on the ground and its mouth gaping, looking most un-birdlike. What's it doing?...
Anyone know the legal situation as regards a badger sett in one's shed? One (or more) seem to have set up home in one of my dad's sheds. The shed isn't used regularly, hence they've had opportunity....
The company I work for has various contracts. One of our contracts is going back 'in House' to the company we were doing the work for. As a result the people working on that contract have been given...
ohhhhh my god have you seen how many thunder flies are about my whloe house is covered i have never seen so many ,.....have you got them in there thousands where you live???????
You're drivnig along the road, and you see a small black box on the verge, and two cables coming out of it that lay across the road, parallel to each other. Do they measure speed, or do they count...
The latest I see is this device which is basically a transformer(They showed a cutaway). The output from the transformer forms a solenoid wrapped round the cold water rising mains as it comes into the...
Can someone explain what this means in politics . Ive noticed some people say labour are left wing but some people say they have moved to the right, and im just wondering what it means !
Can anyone explain how they actually measure the speed and what is most likely to make them fail. Thank-you :-) (Iv'e just paid ?50 for one from a breaker and it's just that it doesn't look like much,...
There have been so many fantastic medical advances over the last few decades. So many things are now possible. However, are all these fantastic things possible at the expense (financial) of the normal...
I have had loads of hassle with a Computer Supplier and wanted a refund. Computer wrong specification, refused to accept from Courier. Months later no refund I took it up with my Credit Card Company....