I confess to using Pataks paste in the past...i've run out. So I decided to make my own, aided and abetted with a mish mash from google. Some chilli, cumin (in lieu of garam masala), olive oil (in...
12ac Pan's behind? (5) ?l?t? plate? 13ac Crater's edges not evenly distributed (4) ?e?t 25ac Game with facetious lord over (4) ?a?o faro? 10dn Parliament has divergent ways for landing in appalling...
11ac Creature in its element -lake? (4) ???l
8dn During festival, cello principally contributed to fine quartet (4,5) e?s? c????
19ac In Gods protection, one emperors depleted crew (8) m?r?n???...
17ac Abuse? It's quickly detected in bistro perhaps when consuming drink (calorie-free) (7) ?I????? 4th letter might be l 14dn Ignore shot on square? (3) c?? 23ac Group of parties that is beginning to...
5dn Pairing of relations sometime in the future (6) m???n? third letter is n if 9ac Suggestion an alcoholic won't finish game (3-3-3) = tip and run but can't parse it. 27ac To? (4,3) m?n? c?t manx cat...
17ac A deeply religious sect united about the care of society’s workers (10) a?i???t?r?
31dn Plant pots, etc, that won't be wanted on computer (7) s?y?a?e spyware ? if so why?...
Morning all, stuck as usual. Any help much appreciated. 3d Deal with unknown contract (6) T????? 15A I affectionately will wave goodbye to daughter, giving an expression of regret (2,4) I? U??? 19d...
16ac How blue girl appears in deteriorated old film (6,6) ?h???s ?a???e 13 and 14: Short version of 1 Down in a crossword -- sent off competition entry once? (7,2,1,8) a???e?s ?? a ???t???d Note there...
1ac Vendors rejected broadcast work by this writer (7) ??????? 1dn Girl upset about Greek character and chaplain, ineffectual men (7) ??????s phillis? 5ac Passing first of cases of white wine (4-3)...
9a) Marines horse around in special dance (6) ?O???? 11a) Indecent writer's 9 (8) ?M?????? 20a) You may need it to ring one about a hoax by Spain (4,4) ???? ??D? 22a) Cartridge etc. sent back holding...