Sorry - mind is a blank this week think I have spelling mistakes too. Looking for: 10d) old battle wagon C?A?I?? 30a) reliable ?R???? 31d) bad tempered ????Y 42a) area of undeveloped land (5,4)...
Hi all, Couple (no, actually more than a couple) this week - stumped again - blame the fact that I've just come back from holiday! 2d) wooded valley T?T?S???S 13d) barbeque food ?M?A? 66d) DIY injury?...
Only a few to get..... hope you can help. 14d) remnant O??D?T (O is correct as Alex Salmond is First Minister?) was thinking RELICT but no... 80a) free oneself GET???A? 76d) board game ???E?O 2nd...
Stuck again... Is a sea perch a BASS 11d? Looking for: 17a) any peak over 3000ft - ?U?R? 60a) Links Gold Course (is it ROYAL) R??A??R??N 80a) helpless ??T??A?L? 70d) chalk like mineral (2nd last...
Late in completing this one - looking for a little help if possible?!!! 16a) insincere talk B?N??M 71a) Joint highest Scottish goal scorer ?EN? S??W 32d) convert (assets) into cash ?I??I??T?...
Only looking for 4 answers this week!!!!! Still not used to the change in crossword! 9d Hollow cheeked: ?A?N? 97d Washing machine: T???T?B 105d Olympic swimmer David: W?L??E 108a young child: ?E??...
Stumped on this weeks DR Xword??? Mental block I think Looking for: 37d: military force ?I?I?I? 44a: authority: P?O?T 65d: abridged C?N???? 80d: old trumpet: ?E?R?O? 92a: fix firmly ??B?D 96d: bell...
Sorry think I am asking same clues as hoggyboy earlier - but cannot see his replies anywhere - sorry if I am covering old ground..... Looking for: small wood - N?P?I?E Not straightforward - E?E?I?R...
3 clues looking for please: 111 down: hero ?H??? 112 across: soft thick lump: ?L?T 125 across: appointment calendar: YEAR ???N?E? Last letter of 111 down makes first letter of 2nd word of 125 across....
Looking for two answers please: 7 down: nullify A?O?? 25 across: pivoted R?T???D The 7 down answer, last letter, is the 25 across 5th letter. hope someone can help thank you very much.