I am trying to find a song! It is an indie song from about 5 years ago! It's about children lying in haystacks! The video has the band lying in haystacks! And one of the lines is something...
What is the annual rate of return of a business with 5million initial capital investment over a period of 5years and with total net income of 11,503,299 over 25 years?
Manager compares performance of 3 cashiers (a,b,c) in particular time period 12.00 - 14.00. How long it took 1 customer to be served? 1 cashier served 50 during that period. X bar = service time for...
What is the return on equity as a percentage if 4million was invested by a bank and over 25 years and net income over those 25years totaled £11,503,299. And how did you calculate it? Many thanks...