Stuck on 3 clues. 10 Tough made to go around Chilterns town (9) S _ _ _N_E_T. 2 Some restaurants charge this, just for openers (7) C_ _ _A_E. 17 Something other than static often heard on Classic FM...
peg about to make sharper radio show. 5,3 P?O?E ?N' not many reformed - plenty will make an example here. A?T?N??. Manual rewritten by forner female student. ?L???A. not wholly corageous during storm...
10 Across, Still tense?This must be a big one (5) E?E?T 23 Across, Pull back-time haulier should do likewise (7) ??T?A?T 25 Across,Figure stones creative? That's not right(9) S???I?T?C 23 Down,...
Last two please just to confirm 8 down surviving antique navigation instrument has lost its top (6) E _ T _ N _ , I have extend 26 across Hold up when religious type takes time off (5) H _ I _ T , I...
21A 'Tec getting a refusal delivered quietly (5) P?A?O 20D Private eye's suspicion about poor actor (6) S?A??? 24A University engaged in reading though not per normal (5) U???L
13a Perform superbly broadcasting on legendary sportscast (4,4,9,4)
3d Blunt inside part of umbrella featured in design (5,6)
Thanks in advance for any help...
8d one revels in tight score, getting runs (10)... Hi all...I solved this one based purely on the first two words of the clue...however I'd like to know what the rest of the hint was driving at; if...
Really struggling today. I'm not sure if my letters are correct and therefore making it impossible for me to solve this. Anyway - all help most welcome. 13a Musical refrains (11) _ P _ S _ R _ P _ E _...
4d English astronomer & pioneering analyst of astronomical spectroscopy who discovered the red shift [7 letters]
Google says HUBBLE but its 7 letters I have H - - - - -S
help appreciated...