The train was quite crowded and a U.S. Marine walked the entire length looking for a seat. There seemed to be one next to a well-dressed French woman, but when he got there, he saw it was taken by the...
If a charity were set up to gather all the unwanted animals, dogs cats horses donkeys owls etc, and send them as food to the starving children in korea etc what would the objections be, Oh and if all...
9 Across, Metal band Iron Maiden leaving obstinate sort outside car (7) 12 Across, Special beer in a tin mostly gets you drunk (9) 13 Across, Swimming race takes a short time (8) 27 Across, Maybe the...
1d Artist with conservationlsts below feature of college is part of a circle (8)
27aSurprised expression shown by gentleman harbouring a criminal at sea (7)...
We live in social housing and have a nice house and on the drive we have for the past 6 years had a caravan. Its in good condition and does nobody any harm yet this week we were told by the housing...
hi people,ok shall make it short,i married last year,who owed his house ouright,as he bought it with his wife who,has now passed,however i gave up my private home up after 10 years,with my son who is...
Can anyone please confirm that 1d is Studied, clue Boss comforts head of department that is scrutinised. S?U?I?D - the only word I could come up with but I can't see why. Thank you. thus let out for flighty escapade (5,7) think it is SPACE C?????? might be capsule? 10a.lion trained by idiot-Henry in a Tarzan costume(9) T???????? feeling over English book(5)...
two to finish please:
19 across desert island disc choice ?u?u?y six letters if 17 down is quartet and 25 across person who sells from door to door ?e?l?r? seven letters thanks folks
ST 4485 12a Second to last in slower car(5) is it motor but cannot see why 14d side containing right subs excited a supporter (5,4) t?u?s ?e?? 23a Writing about soldier taking blame for snapping...
13D. Unilateral arrangement of members for females in seats (4-6). ?I?E ?A?D?E. 6D. Rev with church in Eastern state gets powerful weapon (7,3). M?C?I?E - ?U?. I can only come up with machine gun but...
12& 18D The pica TG eons? That should cause a reaction. (3,5,3,7) C?? ????? ??E ?I??O?S 23d Soar around a king. Thats not very dependable (5) ????Y 16a. Might this lettuce provide poor ava with...
I have two cryptic clues which should reveal an English town or city.Unfortunately I don't know the number of letters. The first clue is -- Unsightly Yorkshire town? The second clue is---Undertaking a...