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22d Lowbrow recollection of Jung, one of 5's (6,5,3) ---T-E/--O--/---. Many thanks, Danny.
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Please help. Form unfair view of e.g. endless music DJ played (8) M ? S ? U ? ? ? Thanks in advance, Bryan...
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30a Margaret's racehorses, one of 5's (6,2,6) ------/--/---R--. Many thanks, Danny
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Does anyone do the i crossword? if so can anyone help with 5 across = One telling tale of person running round lake? (6) thank you - am new to the i - have abandoned Daily Mail!...
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this song has been sung by lots of artist name your favourite mine is AL HIBBLER
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1)someone with a husky cough perhaps 2) Entertaining woman, she's relocated around east of Germany 3) Jesus warned his disciples against their yeast (Matt 16(2) 4) He is heard working with pains....
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Stuck on 15 across : Make the Latest Style : 7 Letters - ?A?H?O? Thanks very much,billyloco....
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what country is known as "The Kingdom"? Not a crossword clue, number of letters unknown
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Seem to have come to a full stop so need someones help. 30a.(8) Good Indian yoghurt dishes involving very serious quality. --A-I-A-, 12d.(10)Staying alive but losing heart is wrong behaviour....
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18ac American's in a submarine, maybe, enjoying life? (2,1,4) ON ? R?L? ON A ROLL but why? 14ac Doctor's admitted favouring South Africa's old detached area (7) ?O???S? MOMBASA? 1ac Scot's exam...
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Seem to be a little stuck, any help appreciated: 4a College gets trendy office ?i?g???? 28a Presented a great many to journalist ?o?t?d (jotted??) Thank you...
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13 down gloomy club used for evening out ??t???n 15 down the main farm animal is the walrus ?i?c?w Thank thank you...
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1) One is not needed on this now un-navigable river.(5) 2) "Old Father" without end (5) 3)Its found in Wales,but much further north (5) 4)Go for one Jim, to practise in Sussex (4) 5)North...
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5d deliberately hurtful remark *a**** 10a delicately s***L* 13a model (of perfection) ***a* Many thanks...
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Stuck on one 4 across Robber gang surrounding oil installation ????a?d...
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25 Across,1Down,5&9 Across, 12's 19 18? (9,6,4,3,5) 1 Across, Maybe Newwark won round Labour candidate?(7) Sorry About The Lack of Letters Many Thanks in Advance...
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'On the ends of some limbs" (4) 'You wouldn't push a toddler here in this' (4,5) 'An ocean without one "sea" ' (5) Thanks for previous answers....
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4a) Exhaust oneself with six balls and a party (6) ???R?? 10a) Becomes black and blue when very angry (5) ??V?? 5d) Virginia has cover that is in force (5) ????D 7d) Lots of dogs headed off (6) ????E?...
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7d write in capitals (5) -r-n-

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