Just wondered if anyone had solved this all yet ? I am just missing the inlet where only a mad ass would walk. There's a place called Bedlam's Bottom around there, or is there a specific name for the...
The town is particularly easy to locate this week. For the stupendous site, are the listed names Iron Age settlements with Dunum the Roman version of the answer?
Just two left to do and am stuck once more: 8d Total cutting off number (6) B?L?A? and 21d Beds may be providing opening for Luton during a time of prosperity (6) A?L?N?
Any ideas? I thought it might be Wolverhampton, 'workshop of the world', but a growing tourist destination? And I cannot identify the department store,sister of one in London.
Any suggestions for how to access cryptic crosswords and brain-exercising puzzles without buying the newspapers would be welcome. My offering is 'Where Was I?' in the Sunday Times, available on the...
Hi, I hope somebody can help me with this difficult situation please. One of my employees, who has been with me for 8 months, has become a really negative influence in the office and is also quite...
I am well and truly stuck and I have so many other things I ought to be doing! 15, 10, 22 down Greek character composed light ode about 11s' 25 and 6s - defining their relationships. (3,4,4,3,3) I...