Last two have stumped me. 18d Sweetheart is tempted to hug entertainer (7) EXTREME, but why? 17a Elgar's right - nothing is close to brass among wind (9) F?O?S?E?T
I'm obviously the only person stuck on these (last) two: 2d American money, very little of, is focused (7) I have C?N?R?? and suspect it might be CENTRED, although I don't understand RED. Which would...
I'm struggling; can anyone offer hints, please. It looks Spanish, but the rest of the information could be almost anywhere in that country, except for the very select sport of cherry stone spitting!...
Okay last two, and too tired tonight. 17D and 18D (I've been useless at this corner this week) 17D With reckless determination (4-4) ZEAL-?E?T and 18D Old word for a toll-road (8) L??N?I?E
I have picked up the Sunday Times today , the first time for many a year. I have sussed out the answers for Where Was I but what is the address to which to send the answers?
Kettledrum set me off on this last night and now I am stuck on the last one. Cinema that warms Birmingham commuters changing at terminus? (4-7) I have N?W? - T?E?T?E Presumably New Street is a B'ham...
Never tried this one before and I have left it late. I have the long 1(a) and the right-hand-side down (9). Help with the other two long ones might get me going, please. 9(d) The beating of such a do...
2D Holy person contacted cathedral in an unconventional manner (9), last letter S please help Still cannot work out 1A either; What my immediate neighbours and I have in common (8)......D. thanks
Titular person's upset by setter's emphatic refusal (6) I have E?A?Y? and can see NAME backwards but that's it. I have found this week's full of tricky ingenious clues; this could be my last one.
I know this might not be appropriate...and I understand that people might think it not the right place or time..etc..etc..but you all seem to be my friends, and I am ending my awful day talking to you...