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Can anyone reccomend a good bird watching hoiliday in the UK, preferably England or Wales. I just fancy a 5 or 6 day spring break, with a bit of a differance and not too expensive. Any suggestions...
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New words for todays market!!! 12 hoop earings 11 fake Armanis 10 Lambert & Butler 9pm curfew 8 young children 7 differnt fathers 6 grams of meow Fiveeeeeeeeeeeee soverign rings 4 stollen alloys 3...
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I saw an owl today, it was flying quite low and landed on top of an old barn, it was smaller that a barn owl (but dificult to say exact size as I was driving an only saw it for a few seconds. It had...
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Why is it when you sit down indoors on a cold evening (like now), that your front is always warmer, than your back!!! God we have "central heating"
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Seen them on Countyfile tonigh, we surely can't allow them in Britain? Take battery farming to a whole new and very cruel level
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I feel great now, whom cares about tomorrow (OK my typings a bit naff but hey ho)
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I went to the shops today to buy some camoflarge trousers, but I could'nt find any, can anyone help!!
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How many roads must a man walk down (anyone who tells me the answer is blowing in the wind ................ I'll kill)
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I think I saw a Hobby at about 8.00 tonight, through my window. I saw it fly past a couple of times but could'nt catch in the binoculars. Then it landed in a tree at the bottom of my garden, it looked...
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Are the swifts more active where you are? They always nest/breed in my eves, but this year we've got loads. How bout where you are?...
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I rent a field to graze my horses on. A tree has fallen down and damaged the fence. The people I rent the field from are saying that I have to pay to have the fence replaced. 1 Surley I only have to...
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I have a three year old apple tree, which produced fruit for the first time this year. I noticed today that it is now in blossum, and is covered in proper spring flowers! Why, what's happening?...
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Anyone fancy leaving the rat race and starting a small holding with me? Grow your own veg, keep chichens, bees, goats, perhaps a pig or two? How do we do this? Where do we do this, far away from...
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Earlier today I noticed a great tit coming out of one of my nesting boxes, when she returned there was the trill of chicks. This is very late would this be a second brood?
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The weather here was lovely today, I was closet bird watching again. I saw three buzzards (one quite low), beautiful. A hovering kestral, and lots of garden birds, but my piece de resistonce. A red...
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I saw a Barn Owl yesterday afternoon at about 2.30. It was broad daylight and OK weather!!! I could'nt believe it, it just flew across my garden, quite low and in no kind of rush. I was truely amazed....

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