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11a Croon about boat's artwork (9) 7d Might a low budget film be so dark (8) 18d Dogger once impressed a judge (8) E???I???...
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4d Look to break up wrong crowd-in which everyone joins in (9) 17d Fixed PC yet? Do I check text for errors? (4-4)...
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25a Fought against mineral racket once (10) 27a A letter granting authorisation (10)...
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16d Football team with its colour becoming mucky(7)M?N???D
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17a Join footballer's setting up equipment for goals (6) 21a Second rat reported and more in order (10)...
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1a Artist's second record admitted by criminal court (8) 12a Delighted journalist after having seen story rejected(6)...
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Painter --very important person inspires one (6)T???A? 20 d Principally sensational,except when dull (7)S?N???E...
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1d Almost everything confiscated by officer,it is mine (7)C?????? 21a Last of sugar in a possible sweet (8) 17d Game of chance allowed to get in the way(8)...
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5d Old music lover in band,her age mysterious (10) 17d Nutty fruit (7) 16d Magnificent job of truck,perhaps,carrying the Queen (8)...
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7a Test round part is going round (7) 10a Flier the police distributed close to Manchester (10) 12a Bugs Bunny's opening song impressing cutie,occasionally (8)...
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6d Extra money in box about to be hidden (8)?N???A?? 7d Herald rushed,went down for funny sounding Oxford don (8)?O???E??...
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18a Unusual seabird found in rural peat flapping (13) 17d Big top's raised covering debts (8) 8d Conflict with desperate sweetheart about droop (8)...
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4a Dirty horrid European in sack (8) 11a Display label on a revolting slaughterhouse (8)...
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27a Money paid to people at bar for drinks (10) 23a a sign of excitement after 6 ?(7)...
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16d Notice a sport played with such plug-in devices (8) 15d I reportedly cast aspersions on European (9)...
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28a Sozzled sellers sense stocking books could show persistence (14)
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1d Wallet ultimately secreted by Scrooge--that's what you'd call him (6)
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14a Discovered one in a hundred will offer charity,say (10) 11a Grand bit of cricket attended by neither head of state (8) 24a Trapped in poverty,having to keep dry (6)...
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1a American chemical company taken in by staff person on the fiddle perhaps (8) 5a House's top story left out ,contrarily (4) 15d Putting coat on ,yearns for old -fashioned measurements (8)...
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7d Mayme trainer announced requirements to make profiteroles(5) C?O?? )(choux?) 23a Got on space vessel within berth (8)E???R???...

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