In mine are the following:- Paperclips bent out of shape, 10 elastic bands, 4 x 10p pieces, ?5 note, Paul Weller CD, post it note with Dak's email address on it, calculator, hole punch, a baby tooth!,...
Can somebody explain to me the difference between a mole and a freckle? I have often disputed this with friends. I have a number of scattered freckles all over my body but some people claim they are...
I just went to the Co-Op to get some brekky, and they have these little Smartie things, they look like tangerines but are supposed to be baby pumpkins, and inside they have Smarties! All of them...
In another post down there v I think I am being confused with someone else. Someone called whiffey is being all strange and Impying I am someone different I think? What is happening.
Since most of us have never spoken to each other, we don't know what we sound like. So, describe your speaking voice... I'm quite well spoken with a hint of Manc, quite low pitched- think Mariella...
That are abreviated? SARS HIV+ AIDS IBS STI's Any advances? The reason I ask is that I have contracted SARS from champers! all that heavy breathing done me in!
Grr. Some people, all women - have come down to our floor and they're all gossiping about who's the fittest bloke on our floor and it's sooo sexist! We are not merely pieces of meat you know.
Would you get more turned on by the idea of two naked girls together, or two naked guys? I have a curious male third party who wishes to remain anonymous..or does he?!