I wonder who it could be? I'm must say if I was clever I'd be able to firgure it out. Apparently I'm pi$$ing some people of with my postings and my 'cahootness'. I'm not apologising. I don't come on...
History tells us that this was the caveman, yet the bible says that it was Adam. Does this mean that Adam was a caveman? Or is one of them wrong? If so, which?
The answer is no bruv .. and I'd never brag about it anyway mate.
Not my style .. and if Georgit is reading this .. what's she gonna think of u mate?
Think about it bruv.
Wild guesses:-1) You actually know me and are toying with me?2) You're an obsessive compulsive addictive personality?3) You think that I'm an escort.Throw me a friggin' bone here!
Due to popular demand, all answerbank categories are being abandoned. One lucky winner will have the categories of his/her choice rubber stamped on Answerbank forever. Get going. Mine are: Adverts...
Is there a poltergeist on cb? The threads are coming up with the wrong names, and earlier about 20 posts disappeared for me, but not for Boo, she could still see em? Should we be scared?
I just started Northern Sky by Mark Radcliffe today and already I'm really enjoying it. Although I'm a huge fan of his anyway. What are the rest of you reading?
Try again - hopefully will not disappear this time! If any of you have seen 'what Dreams May come' you'll know what I'm talking about. Putting aside whether you believe in heaven etc. if you...