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I am on the wrong site - should be technology - but there are more here - at last I have just got Maxie's photo in my email. Can I email him here in any kind of way. thanks
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I have obviously missed something. Where has Gavin/Andy gone? I haven't seen him for some time. Thanks.
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Hello... There has been for a few days now an injured rook, it's wing has been damaged and its unable to fly, it's been feeding on scraps and fallen berries... It's sad to see and wish I could do...
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I wouldn't have been surprised if the son had done-in his old dad and then hung himself with the reins of their horse in a final episode.
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if they were on benefits but making a few pound here and there by helping others out? Im a painter and decorator by trade but for various reasons (as many of you know) Im unable to work as such. Today...
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There's a new ad on the Drama Channel with a really good song on it. Its a man's voice with piano accompaniment and the song is about "its the best time of the day, its nine o'clock" I have done a...
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Anyone know the name of the actor playing the know-all in corrie who's doing a good job of winding up Tyrone?
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moggie 939
Has it finished - it has been off air for a month or more! moggie...
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do we need paddy McGuiness in corrie...
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No doubt our Rightie contributors will see this as Leftie propaganda. "We've seen executive salaries pulling right away from the rest of society, creating...
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Where did the Steve McDonalds dog come from?
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I know I don't have to watch it, but having heard so much hype about it, and not having watched previous years, I have to admit, it's quite boring really. Does anyone else think so ?...
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Togo;qpvt=%c2%a380+fine+for+widow+with+dog+in+playground&;FORM=EWRE Do you think the brave diligent warden would have fined a...
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ToraToraTora Yes I realise I'm inviting a bucket of bile from the anti British here....
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Taking my morning cuppa onto the patio and finding egg shells discarded from the sparrow's nest in the guttering......the cheeping all day as they are being fed by busy parents has been a joy.......
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Off on my hols tomorrow. Two weeks on the Norfolk Broads, one in a cruiser and one in a holiday home on the river front, can't wait ! Got loads of packing to do now, so will have to go soon. Love the...
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It seems that Americans have donated over $150.000 to Oxford's Wildlife Conservation Unit following the killing of Cecil the lion.....xx
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Due to building work being done in the house, the dog's food and water bowls have been brought into the living room. He has a very strange habit of taking a mouthful of dried food and dropping it 3-4...
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Prince George has been given a Wendy House /// Cottage on Wheels, worth £18,000, for his Birthday, he was probably only hoping for a train set. poor little lad.,does'nt know what he is missing....

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