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Why does a phone call to BT make me need to lie down in a darkened room afterwards?
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National Park has been deliberately shot at with a bow and arrow and hours later when that hadn't killed him he was shot and killed by an American dentist. The killing itself is bad enough but the...
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How has Jess Ennis got THIS stomach back? >>>...
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anotheoldgit Supreme-Court indeed, I wonder how much this cost the taxpayer?...
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I’m sick of it .I don’t know what the weather has been like for you but it’s now been 36 hrs of constant drizzle here ( York )its getting boring!...
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You don't have a Will of your own - the judiciary (that fine body of upright citizens !) will now allocate your money.
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What a cheek,[ Disgraced ] Lord Sewel, referring to Boris as a "Public School upper class Twit"!!!....
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During my work, I meet all sorts. Last week, I interviewed a young woman that had a 6 foot Royal Python as a pet ! I don't mind corn snakes but this thing gave me the willies ! It was HUGE ! She sat...
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Does anybody else like that catchy Asda ad. doing the rounds just now? I really like it and I'm not a big fan of ads. Also, there is quite a dishy bloke in a line up of four Asda employees who pats...
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There are two buddleia bushes in full bloom in my neighbourhood and not once since they bloomed have I seen any butterflies on them, and only one bee ! When I walk my dog in the local park, I hardly...
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Who has a father that is in his 80's and is being abused by his daughters and wife including the GP, what would you do? Surely being in a position of trust, GP should not allow that to happen to...
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Our family are big on vesta meals chow mein but recently we have noticed a big change in the taste ( not the crispy noodles ) is disgusting, we had bought it from Asda a coupla months ago and...
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Anybody else fed up with these Lottery shows, tonight was 5 star families playing along side relatives abroad, just give us the lottery results!
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Oh dear - what could have been an hour of good escapist fun spoiled by the awful David Walliams. Who told this camp idiot he can act? I wonder how he was cast - oh, wait a minute: the Executive...
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At the beginning of June my friend's pond became home to a great many tadpoles they flourished well, swimming about with little tails flapping from side to side. Now almost at the end of July, they...
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You will have noticed about whatever subject, then a member disagrees or has a snide remark then it starts, what the hell is a matter with people? each person's views are different, except it, I have...
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It's not even Christmas, and I'm still having a good blub over it.
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e.g. - Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners - 2 cleaners go into a castle that hasn't been cleaned for decades. The cobwebs have cobwebs, the rooms are filled with clutter and they have just five days to...

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